Oxford, Banbury, Oxfordshire, Witney, Bicester, Abingdon, UK
           Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Practioners, Oxford, Banbury, Oxfordshire, Witney, Bicester, Abingdon - Weller Associates

In House Hypnosis - The perfect antidote for work place stress


The problem with work place stress

“What problem”. . . Stress, anxiety and depression are the second most commonly reported illnessess. Stress is not just about our ability or lack of it to cope. At work, work related stress says the Health & Safety Executive (H & SE), is the “adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demands placed on them”. The H & SE believes that work related stress is a serious problem for organisations productivity as well as their staff’s health. For that reason alone, it is in employers interests to control work related stress. The law also says it is their duty to do so.

A few facts from the H & SE show the scale of the problem. About 500,000 people a year experience work related stress at a level they believe is making them ill. As many as 5,000,000 people feel very or extremely stressed. Work related stress costs £3.7 billion per year (At 1995/96 costs).

There is a simple solution, which is natural, drug free, and cost effective. No need to sit crossed legged in a corner for 3 hours either.

In House Hypnosis - Relieving work place stress

Hypnosis is a superior from of physical and mental relaxation. If stress levels have built up, Weller Associates can apply their many years of expertise to help staff relax and keep stress related problems to the company at bay. The Company enjoys greater productivity and compensation claims are less likely to happen.

Hypnotherapy is a proven technique in the treatment of stress, anxiety and depression.

In House Hypnosis will bring expertise and even the “comfy chair” equipment to allow this level of care to be enabled for corporate client benefit. Hypnosis is more effective that other forms of relaxing or de-stressing as it utilises a persons own internal resources. Both physical and mental relaxation are established. Plus the key element of continued relaxation, which is unique; no other form of relaxation can reach into the subconscious to ensure continuous relaxation.

The alternative it to do nothing. Can a small company really afford to loose key staff and faces possible compensation claims as well? Regular stress sweeps can be done and a company, which has 1-20 employees, can be “stress swept” in a day (Weller Associates rates for In House Hypnosis do not vary from personal fee rates charged. See fees on the main menu for more details).
  Weller Associates - Hypnotherapists
Top floor, High Cleeves Barn, Over Norton,
Chipping Norton, near Oxford, Oxfordshire (Oxon) OX7 5PW, UK
Tel:   01608 645445      Email:   sam@wellerassociates.co.uk
Mob:   07768 342875   Web site:   www.wellerassociates.co.uk